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Happy Comet Day is written by Anna. Her stories are about her encounters with aliens. From her childhood she had a great fascination for aliens and everything about the universe. This fascination led her to remember a dream in 2015 about aliens that predicted the arrival of a comet that eventually will impact on Earth. This dream she calls “Happy Comet Day”, due to the title she saw on a newspaper in her dream. Anna Considered the dream real and went on investigation. Are there people with the same experiences as Anna? And why did they choose her? In 2016 her quest took a shocking turn after she was able to remember that she had more than one encounter with aliens, starting from the age of 8. But also, what is going on on Earth and her answer on, ‘why they have chosen her.’

Her story can be read through the PDF .



During her quest she ended up with three books that have similarities to her experiences.

Lawrence R. Spencer, Alien Interview


Amaury Rivera's, Alien Abduction, Extraterrestrial Encounter of the HUMAN kind


Kyle Odom Manifesto

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